Saturday, September 30, 2006

EOYs are here. and im still blogging. hahah. this blog is dead. VERY dead. its barely breathing. ohwells. i think im bored enough to make a new blogskin for this place. hahah. cya'll soon, and jiayou for all the upcoming exams! (:

~bRaiNleSsOboeist //*

Dont mess with US!!
1:04 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006


hahahaha..i'm soooo happy!!!! ok..that sounds a bit too much. i'm overwhelmed with myself(joy) get it? why? coz i juz got my piano results!! i have nowhere to express my joy so juz came here to type for fun:)hahaha! a big load of my mind at last. luck for all of your final year exams and for Shi Lin's O levels..jia you and do us proud! yay!

Dont mess with US!!
3:33 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

heyy fellow oboeists.

its been a tough time for all of us these past few band practises, and i really want to apologise for everything. for getting angry for no good reason, for ignoring, for being just so mean. im really sorry everyone. and i hope you can forgive me...

~bRaiNleSsOboeist //*

Dont mess with US!!
11:14 PM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

sorry lah pple... for not going for the photo taking... need to wear full band u, very ma fan..

nvm lets take a full section photo on sec 4 farewell!!!!


Dont mess with US!!
6:35 AM

Top Ten Reasons To Play The OBOE//*

10. You will be constantly stimulated to devise clever answers to "Is that a skinny Clarinet, or what?

9. You look forward to the thought of making reeds and spending whole weekends at rehearsals and performances.

8. You were always good at holding your breath as a kid without turning blue

7. You are already familiar with four letter words.

6. Your cat has a thing for "fish skin".

5. Your neighbours already know about your unusual collection of knives.

4. You share a kindred spirit with ducks.

3. You are used to the reaction "Ohhhhhhhhh. -whispers- what is that?" -shrug-

2. You play a what? Hobo?...Elbow?

And the Number One reason to play the Oboe...

No one else wants to!


make some noise!