Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello your superfantastic senior/junior here.

What a wonderfully hot day today.

Feel free to take the photo. The image is VERY LARGE.
Juniors please jiayou (:
Midyears/CAs are all over, band is starting for Sec 3/4 this friday onwards.
And Sec 3s are gonna teach Sec 1s... >:)
Come to think of it, concert is IN A MONTHS TIME. A month and a half actually. :O
I don't think I'm used to the no-study-aura. Exams are over, and it feels as if there are much more to come >:/
Jiayou (:

Dont mess with US!!
2:00 AM

Saturday, April 05, 2008

so yeah. im here again. after a long long long time.

hows everyone, does anyone even still come back here?

i loved our section outing on sports day (: we ought to have more.

okay. so from then till now, its been a long time. and the oboe section of '06 is now almost completely spilt up. shilin's now in SAJC, abigailtan in MJC, and yimqi in choir.

but in that same time, huekay, abigailwee and yvette have joined us to form the oboe section of '08.

so maybe JASTRY ought to be changed to JARTHY.

but anyway. i hope everyone's handling the stresses well. (: and yeah. dont worry bout band. it'll continue to be fine.

we're going to be facing some competitions this year! NBC, and that other competition. and then theres our concert on 15th june! start trying to sell your tickets yeah? hahah. and then joy and huekay participating in the woodwind ensemble thing! so must jiayous alot! oh and the performance at our school's 55th anniversary thing.

yes, im sure our section all knows already that we're in this really dangerous state thing, but WE WILL PULL THROUGH. WE WILL IMPROVE, and WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!

in the words of a song which we are all familiar with,
we can do it, if we hold on together.

and i hope our future juniors will be able to keep this blog more alive (:

~limting, secfouroboist, 2008.

Dont mess with US!!
6:36 AM

Top Ten Reasons To Play The OBOE//*

10. You will be constantly stimulated to devise clever answers to "Is that a skinny Clarinet, or what?

9. You look forward to the thought of making reeds and spending whole weekends at rehearsals and performances.

8. You were always good at holding your breath as a kid without turning blue

7. You are already familiar with four letter words.

6. Your cat has a thing for "fish skin".

5. Your neighbours already know about your unusual collection of knives.

4. You share a kindred spirit with ducks.

3. You are used to the reaction "Ohhhhhhhhh. -whispers- what is that?" -shrug-

2. You play a what? Hobo?...Elbow?

And the Number One reason to play the Oboe...

No one else wants to!


make some noise!