Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hey Seniors & Juniors.
The like most randomnest, most craziest, most whatever-you-call-it person is here.
(Yes like who is the craziest and gayest person in the section LA)

Concert is on monday, and can you believe my rotten luck! Playing two solos from both Portraits Of Spain AND the infamous cursed opera, La Forza Del Destino.

I have a feeling it's my last concert, next year is SYF and stuff. Or maybe not, next year is exchange programme (shout HOORAY at this part).

I am S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D. Infact I'm on the verge of depression!
Selling tickets is not easy, and the worst part is ordering 6 tickets only to have 3 people back out in the end. Yes, if you're wondering how frustrating it is, it can get so bad it makes me want to shave a sheep bald.

Sec 1s work hard ok?
Can tell you guys are improving already! That's great to know, and it's kinda like inner pride to see you grow up in more than just one way.
Too bad I only watch you for 2 years though, and Yvette stop spoiling me with offers for chocolates! :D
Oh ya both of you know what to do on that night ah. WINK WINK.

Wish me luck, and uncurse me from the cursed opera, Spain me to the Portraits of Spain!



Dont mess with US!!
8:04 AM

heyy people. i know barely anyone comes here anymore lah, but still. I TOOK TIME OFF STUDYING TO COME LEAVE A NOTE FOR YOU ALL! so like. appreciate it much. (:

i totally miss being a part of the oboe section you know! and i miss all of you, my dear section.

so yeapp. i just wanted to say, all the best for your concert on monday. i'll be there in the audience cheering you on! and maybe i'll hang around after that to return my instrument and everything. then you all can like upgrade to better instruments yeahh?

its the first time you're having a performance without us! so INDEPENDENT! (: i feel so proud of all of you already. hahah... i shall come back on thursday [my next online day after monday] to leave another note.

to Robyn:
hey, SL! (: i know its not official yet, but its kinda obvious you'll be the SL, right? i just wanted to say, i think you're doing a marvelous job handling our section. and i think you'll be a capable leader of our section. keep up the good work!

thank you so very much for all the times you've been around to comfort me when i was down. and all the millions of conversations we've had over the internet.


to Hue Kay:
hey, ASL, hahah. another obvious thing. you'll be ASL, then SL next year. pressure much? hahah. ASL of oboe section is actually nothing much, as you can see how much a slacker i was :X anyways. you have to be like helping Robyn along okay? i know its like heaps of stress. especially having to juggle school work and stuff along with it. ESPECIALLY, help her along next year, cause sec four is like the worst year of secondary school to be dealing with.

thanks for all the messages you sent, though most of the time i read them too late cause i'm still not very used to having a phone. hahah... really really sweet of you to send such encouragements, especially for those things i needed so much encouragement for. (:

to Yvette and Abigail:
hello! (: hahah. i know i haven't been all that close to you two, like even though i had to be teaching sometimes. heeh. and i'm really really sorry if i was impatient and stuff when i was teaching. yeapp. all the best for your upcoming years in band. you both have improved so much since you stepped into band! (: continue to improve, and be some VIRTUOSO oboist, like miss ang! hahah. and like JOY. hahah. don't learn from me. i'm like lousy like anything.

thanks for all your contributions to our section! (: its been really amazing having the two of you in our section! keep up your good work yes? and may you be blessed with nice juniors like yourselves in the future. i hope that if i come back some time, i'll see the two of you happily teaching your juniors. (:

always remember, that TING LOVES YOU! (: and she promises to come back once in a while to check on you -cue spooky laughter-. keep playing well!

ohhh and its more important, that you must have fun also. don't keep stressing yourself out. BAND IS FUN! (:

hahah. okay. so now i shall slip back into my i-miss-band-so-much-but-i-should-be-studying-now mode. hahah. see you all on monday! (:

with much love,
~ting (:
[TKGSSB~OboeSection '05-'08]

Dont mess with US!!
7:05 AM

Top Ten Reasons To Play The OBOE//*

10. You will be constantly stimulated to devise clever answers to "Is that a skinny Clarinet, or what?

9. You look forward to the thought of making reeds and spending whole weekends at rehearsals and performances.

8. You were always good at holding your breath as a kid without turning blue

7. You are already familiar with four letter words.

6. Your cat has a thing for "fish skin".

5. Your neighbours already know about your unusual collection of knives.

4. You share a kindred spirit with ducks.

3. You are used to the reaction "Ohhhhhhhhh. -whispers- what is that?" -shrug-

2. You play a what? Hobo?...Elbow?

And the Number One reason to play the Oboe...

No one else wants to!


make some noise!