Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Your new SL here...
Just wanna say Jia You! 
I know you guys are working harder than before to improve yourself, here I am to compliment on you on that!

Did you know that oboe is the hardest instrument to learn? DID YOU KNOW THAT?

This officially makes us the coolest section. (We know we're cool to the max right? >:])

I'm very bored.
Ah yes if any of you oboists come here to see, please be reminded[again] that you have to inform me which day you cannot come!!

And yet another reminder again, Mr Pan is coming on the 1,3,15 of December. Please be sure to come for those practices.

I'm off to go for German class (It's boring really).

Auf Wiedersehn! :D (It means see you again)

PS: We're playing La Forza and Overture 2 for SYF (not like you all don't know that but yeah)


Dont mess with US!!
2:26 AM

Friday, November 21, 2008


i just remembered. we forgot to take section picture. nevermind! i guess we'll have another opportunity at secfour farewell.

i want to live in denial. i dont want to graduate from tk. im going to miss everyone!!! ):

im not secfour. im not secfour. ohgreat, this isnt working.

my sister just asked me if im going to do badly. hahah. maybe i'll get retained. then I CAN STAY IN BAND ANOTHER YEAR! oh wait. i wont. i'll get kicked out to some other school.

anyway. 55th anniversary. the teachers didnt call me! ><>

hmm. reminds me. i should go somewhere else now. (: this is starting to sound like a personal blog post. hahah.



Dont mess with US!!
6:45 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


HELLO PEOPLE! i am here again (: and i still have another olevel paper to take. but anyway
today's paper was nonsense. and im not exactly looking forward to tomorrows cause that p2 was simple enough to have a hard p1 also. hahah. anyway. heaps of stuff have been happening in band right! i guess i'll catch up with all of you on saturday (:

eh. okay. i dont know what else to say. please please please keep this blog alive?

with much love,
the brainless purple one. (:

Dont mess with US!!
11:43 PM

Top Ten Reasons To Play The OBOE//*

10. You will be constantly stimulated to devise clever answers to "Is that a skinny Clarinet, or what?

9. You look forward to the thought of making reeds and spending whole weekends at rehearsals and performances.

8. You were always good at holding your breath as a kid without turning blue

7. You are already familiar with four letter words.

6. Your cat has a thing for "fish skin".

5. Your neighbours already know about your unusual collection of knives.

4. You share a kindred spirit with ducks.

3. You are used to the reaction "Ohhhhhhhhh. -whispers- what is that?" -shrug-

2. You play a what? Hobo?...Elbow?

And the Number One reason to play the Oboe...

No one else wants to!


make some noise!